CEO of
Mutua Universal
Güell Ubillos
“Mutua Universal has experienced growth in key economic and management indicators, ensuring our solvency and directly impacting the sustainability of the system and the welfare state”

Director gerent
de Mutua
Güell Ubillos
“Our unwavering commitment to the system’s sustainability is not only economic, but also environmental, ethical and social”
It gives me great pleasure to address Mutua Universal’s members for yet another year as we release this Management Report and Sustainability Report, presenting the results of the company’s 2023 activities. Through this report, we remain accountable to public administration for our performance. This accountability is rooted in a system of public-private collaboration, exemplified most successfully by the mutual insurance companies working with the Social Security system.
This represents an effective and efficient collaboration that adds value to workers, companies, and society. We uphold and safeguard it due to the trust bestowed upon us by the companies and the Administration. Our unwavering commitment to the system’s sustainability is rooted in the belief that it extends beyond mere economics. It encompasses environmental, ethical, and social dimensions, aligning with our goal of social responsibility. Through our legally mandated activities, we prioritise the health of both our affiliated companies and the member population.
During the past fiscal year, Mutua Universal achieved significant growth in key economic and management indicators. Social security contributions increased by 11.5% to reach 1,665 million euros. Specifically, the management of occupational contingencies contributed 945.19 million euros, common contingency management accounted for 686.53 million euros, and managing the termination of self-employed workers’ activities amounted to 32.75 million euros. This enables us to conclude 2023 with a positive annual result of 20.83 million euros for distribution. The Stabilisation Reserve for professional contingencies stands at 27.71% (just below the maximum 30% allowed by Law 31/2022 of the General State Budget). Additionally, the reserve for cessation of activity exceeds the legal maximum.
“With the satisfaction of a job well done and the assurance that we are a solvent and sustainable organisation, we remain committed to continuous improvement and strategic foresight, and will proactively address the challenges that lie ahead”
These indicators, stemming from the robust financial health of a century-old institution – which at year-end had net assets of 385.68 million euros – reveal our strong standing within the sector. They not only ensure our solvency but also directly influence the system’s sustainability. In the form of disbursements to the General Treasury of Social Security, we contributed an unequivocal 21.24 million euros. This represents an essential contribution to the welfare state, with our impact extending well beyond workplace accidents.
The results of our health care management and occupational risk prevention for member companies and the protected population have also been positive in 2023. Mutua Universal has raised the number of member companies by 1.2% to 159,869, and has increased the number of protected and affiliated workers by 4.5% to 1,712,590 (1,430,957 employees and 281,633 self-employed).
It is essential to highlight this commendable performance, both financially and in management terms. Achieving this success in challenging conditions – particularly within the sector of mutual insurance companies working with the Social Security system – deserves recognition.
‘’Under the slogan ‘The mutual insurance company of the people. We collaborate by innovating,’ the current strategic plan prioritises people in all our endeavours, focusing on investing in human talent, technology, and infrastructure’’
This sector remains highly susceptible to the global political, economic, and social instability that has persisted for some time. Unfortunately, regulatory changes have further burdened mutual insurance companies by increasing the number of benefits they manage without corresponding updates to our financing.
The effective functioning of the organisation during the reviewed year owes much to a dedicated staff of 2,033 exceptional professionals. Their service-oriented approach shapes our comprehensive healthcare model, which remains central to our mission alongside the upright and meticulous management of services and benefits.
Our model is modern and agile, rooted in innovation across management, prevention, and individual health. It integrates cutting-edge technologies, including advanced data analysis and artificial intelligence. These tools allow us to make decisions, identify patterns and create predictive models, streamlining processes and offering increasingly efficient and personalised care. Thus, we have established a balanced healthcare ecosystem that integrates in-person care across our extensive network of proprietary centres with advanced technological capabilities nationwide. In 2023, we successfully facilitated over 1.4 million primary care visits, 544,166 rehabilitation sessions, and 6,061 hospital admissions. Additionally, our telemedicine system, deployed in all our healthcare centres, facilitated more than 13,000 consultations. Let’s not overlook telerehabilitation, which enables remote rehabilitation treatments in addition to in-person physiotherapy sessions.
Innovation, technology, and people come together with a shared commitment to service. Supported by Mutua Universal’s current strategic plan, which operates under the slogan “The mutual insurance company of the people. We collaborate by innovating,” we prioritise people in all our endeavours. Our focus is on humanising health and management while investing in human talent, technology, and infrastructure. This strategic plan that establishes the groundwork for the organisation’s future endeavours has already led to the implementation of several initiatives aligned with the evolving needs of society. Notable among these are our comprehensive, human-centred and personalised healthcare model, secure and traceable digital procedures, and efforts to foster ethical behaviour, sound corporate governance, and transparency. These initiatives are part of a broader array of projects.
Our protected and affiliated population highly values our vision and efforts. This is evident from the results of the latest 2023 Patient Satisfaction Survey, which indicates an outstanding overall satisfaction rating of 8.05 out of 10 – the highest in the historical series of this study. The survey evaluates key attributes related to the services provided at our centres.
“We are innovation, technology, and people, brought together with a shared commitment to service”
With the satisfaction of a job well done and the assurance that we are a solvent and sustainable organisation, we remain committed to continuous improvement and strategic foresight, and will proactively address the challenges that lie ahead.
We will stay ahead of health management needs. This responsibility extends to all member companies, protected and affiliated workers, and collaborating consultancies who have once again entrusted us with the care of life’s most precious asset: health.
Thank you for your trust in Mutua Universal.
I also extend my gratitude to all the dedicated professionals at Mutua Universal whose daily efforts exemplify the values of quality, professionalism, efficiency, and integrity – the very qualities that underpin the company’s service. Without you, our achievements would not be possible.
Lastly, I express my gratitude to the members of Mutua Universal’s Board of Directors for their endorsement of the mutual insurance company’s strategy and actions. I extend my appreciation to President Jaime Aguirre de Cárcer y Moreno, who is in his inaugural year leading the company, for his commendable work and enthusiastic support. Undoubtedly, this year’s results are closely tied to his tenure.
Thank you very much.